Richard Matthewman (FS 54-58) has sent in a brief update:

“After leaving St Bees I worked in Norfolk and Lincolnshire with two companies of estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers and then latterly spent two years as a farm manager in Suffolk. I emigrated to Canada in 1967 and joined Waddingtons of Toronto (the oldest auction house in Canada) as an auctioneer and appraiser. In 1981 my wife and I formed our own auction company in Mississauga, Ontario. Two years ago, after over 50 years as an auctioneer, I retired and we joined our daughter's family in Vancouver. Bluntly put, we are enjoying retirement and being grandparents.”



The St. Beghian Society,    St. Bees School,    St. Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS.
         Tel: (01946) 828093